
Fourth Monday Each Month | 6:30 PM

For current information and location
see News Sections or Event Posts


Membership Meeting

Dorie Miller Memorial Pst 331 of the American Legion 4325 Fairmont Street, Orlando, FL, United States

Held at locations throughout Orange County for the convenience and benefit of members in all local areas.

Membership Meeting

Held at locations throughout Orange County for the convenience and benefit of members in all local areas.

Membership Meeting

Held at locations throughout Orange County for the convenience and benefit of members in all local areas.

Holiday Party

Rosen Center 9840 International Drive, Orlando, FL, United States

Reception starts at 6:30 PM, Doors open at 7:00 PM Cash Bar Special Presentations Dancing & Networking

Monthly Membership Meeting

Heart of West Lakes Wellness Center 710 South Tampa Avenue, Orlando, FL, United States